

Privacy-Preserving Computation and Verification of Aggregate Queries on Outsourced Databases

14 years 9 months ago
Privacy-Preserving Computation and Verification of Aggregate Queries on Outsourced Databases
: © Privacy-Preserving Computation and Verification of Aggregate Queries on Outsourced Databases Brian Thompson, Stuart Haber, William G. Horne, Tomas Sander, Danfeng Yao HP Laboratories HPL-2009-119 aggregate query, outsource, privacy, integrity, secret sharing, verification Outsourced databases provide a solution for data owners who want to delegate the task of answering database queries to third-party service providers. However, distrustful users may desire a means of verifying the integrity of responses to their database queries. Simultaneously, for privacy or security reasons, the data owner may want to keep the database hidden from service providers. This security property is particularly relevant for aggregate databases, where data is sensitive, and results should only be revealed for queries that are aggregate in nature. In such a scenario, using simple signature schemes for verification does not suffice. We present a solution in which service providers can collaboratively com...
Brian Thompson, Stuart Haber, William G. Horne, To
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where PET
Authors Brian Thompson, Stuart Haber, William G. Horne, Tomas Sander, Danfeng Yao
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