

Privacy-Preserving Credentials Upon Trusted Computing Augmented Servers

14 years 8 months ago
Privacy-Preserving Credentials Upon Trusted Computing Augmented Servers
Credentials are an indispensable means for service access control in electronic commerce. However, regular credentials such as X.509 certificates and SPKI/SDSI certificates do not address user privacy at all, while anonymous credentials that protect user privacy are complex and have compatibility problems with existing PKIs. In this paper we propose privacy-preserving credentials, a concept between regular credentials and anonymous credentials. The privacy-preserving credentials enjoy the advantageous features of both regular credentials and anonymous credentials, and strike a balance between user anonymity and system complexity. We achieve this by employing computer servers equipped with TPMs (Trusted Platform Modules). We present a detailed construction for ElGamal encryption credentials. We also present XMLbased specification for the privacy-preserving credentials.
Yanjiang Yang, Robert H. Deng, Feng Bao
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Yanjiang Yang, Robert H. Deng, Feng Bao
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