

Privacy-Preserving Information Markets for Computing Statistical Data

14 years 10 months ago
Privacy-Preserving Information Markets for Computing Statistical Data
Abstract. Consider an “information market” where private and potentially sensitive data are collected, treated as commodity and processed into aggregated information with commercial value. Access and processing privileges of such data can be specified by enforceable “service contracts” and different contract rules can be associated with different data fields. Clearly the sources of such data, which may include companies, organizations and individuals, must be protected against loss of privacy and confidentiality. However, mechanisms for ensuring privacy per data source or data field do not scale well due to state information that needs to be maintained. We propose a scalable approach to this problem which assures data sources that the information will only be revealed as an aggregate or as part of a large set (akin of k-anonymity constraints). In particular, this work presents a model and protocols for implementing “privacy preserving data markets” in which privacy re...
Aggelos Kiayias, Bülent Yener, Moti Yung
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where FC
Authors Aggelos Kiayias, Bülent Yener, Moti Yung
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