

Probabilistic Approaches to Estimating the Quality of Information in Military Sensor Networks

14 years 1 months ago
Probabilistic Approaches to Estimating the Quality of Information in Military Sensor Networks
an be used to abstract away from the physical reality by describing it as components that exist in discrete states with probabilistically invoked actions that change the state. The quality of information may be assessed by using the model to compute the probability that reports made by the network to its users are correct. In contrast, dynamic Bayesian network models, which have been used in a variety of military applications, are a more suitable vehicle for understanding the overall network performance and making inferences about quality of information. Queries can be made simply by instantiating some variables and computing the probability distributions over others. We show that it is possible to combine both modelling tools by constructing a Bayesian network over the state variables of the process algebra model. The sparsity of the resulting Bayesian network allows fast propagation of probabilities, and hence interactive querying for quality of information. Received 12 September 200...
Duncan Gillies, David Thornley, Chatschik Bisdikia
Added 01 Mar 2011
Updated 01 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CJ
Authors Duncan Gillies, David Thornley, Chatschik Bisdikian
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