

A Process Algebraic Approach to Concurrent and Distributed Quantum Computation: Operational Semantics

14 years 2 months ago
A Process Algebraic Approach to Concurrent and Distributed Quantum Computation: Operational Semantics
Full formal descriptions of algorithms making use of quantum principles must take into account both quantum and classical computing components and assemble them so that they communicate and cooperate. Moreover, to model concurrent and distributed quantum computations, as well as quantum communication protocols, quantum to quantum communications which move qubits physically from one place to another must also be taken into account. Inspired by classical process algebras, which provide a framework for modeling cooperating computations, a process algebraic notation is defined, named QPAlg for Quantum Process Algebra, which provides a homogeneous style to formal descriptions of concurrent and distributed computations comprising both quantum and classical parts. On the quantum side, QPAlg provides quantum variables, operations on quantum variables (unitary operators and measurement observables), as well as new forms of communications involving the quantum world. The operational semantics m...
Marie Lalire, Philippe Jorrand
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where CORR
Authors Marie Lalire, Philippe Jorrand
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