

A Process for BDI Agent-Based Software Construction

14 years 1 months ago
A Process for BDI Agent-Based Software Construction
Agent-based programming comes us as a next generation programming paradigm. However, we have not been ready yet to fully use it without having sound and concrete software engineering methods and tools to facilitate agent-based software development. In this paper we propose a new software engineering process based on the BDI agent concept. We have refined and extend substantially our previous work, Agent-based Modeling Technique (AMT) and Agent-based Software Development Process (ASP), so that a systematic and realistic process has been born to construct BDI agentbased software. This paper introduces our new approach to the BDI agent-based software development process. The Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model has been proved as a dominant view in contemporary philosophy of human mind and action. We utilize BDI as a tool to analyze agents’ environments, goals, and behaviors. Use cases have been proved as a useful tool for requirement analysis. However, use cases cannot be neither agent...
Chang-Hyun Jo, Jeffery M. Einhorn
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where SERP
Authors Chang-Hyun Jo, Jeffery M. Einhorn
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