

Process Patterns for MDA-Based Software Development

14 years 27 days ago
Process Patterns for MDA-Based Software Development
—Information systems are expected to satisfy increasingly ambitious requirements, while reducing time–to–market has become a primary objective. This trend has necessitated the advent of development approaches that are better equipped and flexible enough to cope with modern challenges. Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) and Situational Method Engineering (SME) are approaches addressing this requirement: MDA provides promising means for automating the software process, and revitalizes the role of modeling in software development; SME focuses on project-specific methodology construction, mainly through assembling reusable method fragments (process patterns) retrieved from a method base. We provide a set of high-level process patterns for model-driven development which have been derived from a study of six prominent MDAbased methodologies, and which form the basis for a proposed generic MDA Software Process (MDASP). These process patterns can promote SME by providing classes of common p...
Mohsen Asadi, Naeem Esfahani, Raman Ramsin
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SERA
Authors Mohsen Asadi, Naeem Esfahani, Raman Ramsin
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