

Program transformation by templates based on term rewriting

14 years 6 months ago
Program transformation by templates based on term rewriting
Huet and Lang (1978) presented a framework of automated program transformation based on lambda calculus in which programs are transformed according to a given program transformation template. They introduced a second-order matching algorithm of simply-typed lambda calculus to verify whether the input program matches the template. They also showed how to validate the correctness of the program transformation using the denotational semantics. We propose in this paper a framework of program transformation by templates based on term rewriting. In our new framework, programs are given by term rewriting systems. To automate our program transformation, we introduce a term pattern matching problem and present a sound and complete algorithm that solves this problem. We also discuss how to validate the correctness of program transformation in our framework. We introduce a notion of developed templates and a simple method to construct such templates without explicit use of induction. We then sho...
Yuki Chiba, Takahito Aoto, Yoshihito Toyama
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where PPDP
Authors Yuki Chiba, Takahito Aoto, Yoshihito Toyama
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