

Programming the memory hierarchy revisited: supporting irregular parallelism in sequoia

13 years 3 months ago
Programming the memory hierarchy revisited: supporting irregular parallelism in sequoia
We describe two novel constructs for programming parallel machines with multi-level memory hierarchies: call-up, which allows a child task to invoke computation on its parent, and spawn, which spawns a dynamically determined number of parallel children until some termination condition in the parent is met. Together we show that these constructs allow applications with irregular parallelism to be programmed in a straightforward manner, and furthermore these constructs complement and can be combined with constructs for expressing regular parallelism. We have implemented spawn and call-up in Sequoia and we present an experimental evaluation on a number of irregular applications.
Michael Bauer, John Clark, Eric Schkufza, Alex Aik
Added 17 Sep 2011
Updated 17 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Michael Bauer, John Clark, Eric Schkufza, Alex Aiken
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