

Pronto: A Non-monotonic Probabilistic Description Logic Reasoner

14 years 2 months ago
Pronto: A Non-monotonic Probabilistic Description Logic Reasoner
Abstract. The demonstration presents Pronto - a prototype of a nonmonotonic probabilistic reasoner for very expressive Description Logics. Pronto is built on top of the OWL DL reasoner Pellet, and is capable of performing default probabilistic reasoning in the Semantic Web. It can handle uncertainty in terminological and assertional DL axioms. The demonstration covers Pronto's features and capabilities as well as current challenges and limitations. It describes how an involved realistic problem of breast cancer risk assessment can be formalized in terms of probabilistic reasoning in Pronto. As an important outcome, it is anticipated that attendees should learn and better understand the potential of ontology based approaches to modeling problems involving reasoning under uncertainty. 1
Pavel Klinov
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ESWS
Authors Pavel Klinov
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