

Proof of the oval conjecture for planar partition functions

14 years 12 days ago
Proof of the oval conjecture for planar partition functions
We prove that the translation plane and the shift plane defined by a planar partition function form an oval pair of projective planes in the sense that the planes share a line pencil and any line of either plane not in this pencil forms an oval in the other plane. This is achieved by building upon substantial work of Betten–L¨owen and by using Rabier’s fibration theorem which allows to conclude — without the assumption of properness — that certain local diffeomorphisms are covering maps. A function f : Rn → Rn is called planar, if the map fd : Rn → Rn , x → f(x + d) − f(x) is bijective for all d ∈ Rn \ {0}. It is called a partial spread function, if it is continuously differentiable, the derivative Df : Rn → L(Rn , Rn ) is injective and the set Sf := {{(ξ, Df(x) · ξ) : ξ ∈ Rn } : x ∈ Rn } of n-dimensional subspaces of Rn ×Rn is a partial spread, i.e. any two subspaces intersect in the trivial subspace; if Sf ∪ {{0} × Rn } is a spread, i.e. in addit...
Nils Rosehr
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where EJC
Authors Nils Rosehr
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