

Properties of Random Triangulations and Trees

14 years 2 months ago
Properties of Random Triangulations and Trees
Let Tn denote the set of triangulations of a convex polygon K with n sides. We study functions that measure very natural "geometric" features of a triangulation Tn, for example n() which counts the maximal number of diagonals in incident to a single vertex of K. It is familiar that Tn is bijectively equivalent to Bn, the set of rooted binary trees with n - 2 internal nodes, and also to Pn, the set of non-negative lattice paths that start at 0, make 2n - 4 steps Xi of size
Luc Devroye, Philippe Flajolet, Ferran Hurtado, Ma
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1999
Where DCG
Authors Luc Devroye, Philippe Flajolet, Ferran Hurtado, Marc Noy, William L. Steiger
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