

Proposed secure mechanism for identification of ownership of undressed photographs or movies captured using camera based mobile

14 years 7 months ago
Proposed secure mechanism for identification of ownership of undressed photographs or movies captured using camera based mobile
: Cameras attached to mobile phones are becoming more and more common, and as we move towards 3G and Next Generation Networks, it has become more a standard feature of mobile phones. Over recent months there have been a few grandiose claims within the media about the potential misuse of phones with camera capability. Unfortunately some of these claims are not proved by available facts resulting into confusion and misunderstanding. It may suffice to say that some digital cameras are smaller, convenient and technology superior in image quality. This makes them easier to use in an unacceptable manner. Camera phones are designed to provide a means of transferring images via your mobile phone to complement voice or text based communication for business or personal reasons. Normally the youth gets attracted towards the sexual photography and watching movies on the mobile devices. Some times such movies get broadcast on the network like wild fire and it is available to all the community. It i...
Samir B. Patel
Added 05 Jun 2010
Updated 05 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Samir B. Patel
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