

Propositional merging operators based on set-theoretic closeness

14 years 2 months ago
Propositional merging operators based on set-theoretic closeness
In the propositional setting, a well-studied family of merging operators are distance-based ones: the models of the merged base are the closest interpretations to the given profile. Closeness is, in this context, measured as a number resulting from the aggregation of the distances to each base of the profile. In this work we define a new familly of propositional merging operators, close to such distance-based merging operators, but relying on a set-theoretic definition of closeness, already at work in several revision/update operators from the literature. We study a specific merging operator of this family, obtained by considering set-product as the aggregation function.
Patricia Everaere, Sébastien Konieczny, Pie
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ECAI
Authors Patricia Everaere, Sébastien Konieczny, Pierre Marquis
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