

Propositions pour la recherche contextuelle d'images dans des documents XML

14 years 3 months ago
Propositions pour la recherche contextuelle d'images dans des documents XML
This article focusses on images retrieval in XML documents. Images retrieval can use sementical information in addition to visual features. We propose here to explore some ideas to find this semantic information in XML document, by assuming that an image can be represented by the other non-image elements of the XML document. We propose a method to choose which are the elements of a XML document that can better take part to the representation of the image, and a measure which evaluates for each non-image element its participation to the representation of the image. MOTS-CLÉS : XML, image, multimedia, recherche d’information.
Mouna Torjmen
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Mouna Torjmen
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