

A Protocol for Serializing Unique Strategies

14 years 8 months ago
A Protocol for Serializing Unique Strategies
Abstract. We devise an efficient protocol by which a series of twoperson games Gi with unique winning strategies can be combined into a single game G with unique winning strategy, even when the result of G is a non-monotone function of the results of the Gi that is unknown to the players. In computational complexity terms, we show that the class UAP of Niedermeier and Rossmanith [NR98] of languages accepted by unambiguous polynomial-time alternating TMs is self-low, i.e., UAPUAP = UAP. It follows that UAP contains the Graph Isomorphism problem, nominally improving the problem’s classification into SPP by Arvind and Kurur [AK02] since UAP is a subclass of SPP [NR98]. We give some other applications, oracle separations, and results on problems related to unique-alternation formulas.
Marcel Crâsmaru, Christian Glaßer, Ken
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where MFCS
Authors Marcel Crâsmaru, Christian Glaßer, Kenneth W. Regan, Samik Sengupta
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