

Prototyping of parallel and distributed object-oriented systems: the PDC model and its environment

14 years 4 months ago
Prototyping of parallel and distributed object-oriented systems: the PDC model and its environment
To ease the implementation of distributed objectoriented systems we developed the PDC technique (Proxy/ Dispatcher/Collocutor technique), a simple and pragmatic approach to allow addressing of operating-system processes like local objects, i.e., by calling methods that can be dynamically bound. It supports not only concurrency but also distribution over machine boundaries and offers enough flexibility to address real-time requirements, also. On the basis of this technique we developed ProcessBuild, a prototyping tool for distributed systems. Our approach supports the development of distributed systems from the analysis to the implementation phase of the software life cycle.
Rainer Weinreich, Reinhold Plösch
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Rainer Weinreich, Reinhold Plösch
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