

Provenance management in curated databases

15 years 18 days ago
Provenance management in curated databases
Curated databases in bioinformatics and other disciplines are the result of a great deal of manual annotation, correction and transfer of data from other sources. Provenance information concerning the creation, attribution, or version history of such data is crucial for assessing its integrity and scientific value. General purpose database systems provide little support for tracking provenance, especially when data moves among databases. This paper investigates general-purpose techniques for recording provenance for data that is copied among databases. We describe an approach in which we track the user's actions while browsing source databases and copying data into a curated database, in order to record the user's actions in a convenient, queryable form. We present an implementation of this technique and use it to evaluate the feasibility of database support for provenance management. Our experiments show that although the overhead of a na?ive approach is fairly high, it can...
Peter Buneman, Adriane Chapman, James Cheney
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Peter Buneman, Adriane Chapman, James Cheney
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