

On Pseudorandom Generators in NC

14 years 7 months ago
On Pseudorandom Generators in NC
In this paper we consider the question of whether NC0 circuits can generate pseudorandom distributions. While we leave the general question unanswered, we show • Generators computed by NC0 circuits where each output bit depends on at most 3 input bits (i.e, NC0 3 circuits) and with stretch factor greater than 4 are not pseudorandom. • A large class of “non-problematic” NC0 generators with superlinear stretch (including all NC0 3 generators with superlinear stretch) are broken by a statistical test based on a linear dependency test combined with a pairwise independence test. • There is an NC0 4 generator with a super-linear stretch that passes the linear dependency test as well as k-wise independence tests, for any constant k.
Mary Cryan, Peter Bro Miltersen
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where MFCS
Authors Mary Cryan, Peter Bro Miltersen
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