

Pseudospectra of Matrix Polynomials that Are Expressed in Alternative Bases

14 years 2 months ago
Pseudospectra of Matrix Polynomials that Are Expressed in Alternative Bases
Spectra and pseudospectra of matrix polynomials are of interest in geometric intersection problems, vibration problems, and analysis of dynamical systems. In this note we consider the effect of the choice of polynomial basis on the pseudospectrum and on the conditioning of the spectrum of regular matrix polynomials. In particular, we consider the direct use of the Lagrange basis on distinct interpolation nodes, and give a geometric characterization of “good” nodes. We also give some tools for computation of roots at infinity via a new, natural, reversal. The principal achievement of the paper is to connect pseudospectra to the well-established theory of Lebesgue functions and Lebesgue constants, by separating the influence of the scalar basis from the natural scale of the matrix polynomial, which allows many results from interpolation theory to be applied.
Robert M. Corless, Nargol Rezvani, Amirhossein Ami
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where MICS
Authors Robert M. Corless, Nargol Rezvani, Amirhossein Amiraslani
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