

Psychoacoustically constrained and distortion minimized speech enhancement algorithm

14 years 8 months ago
Psychoacoustically constrained and distortion minimized speech enhancement algorithm
A psychoacoustically constrained and distortion minimized speech enhancement algorithm is considered. In general, noise reduction leads to speech distortion, and thus, the goal of an enhancement algorithm should reduce noise and speech distortion so that both are inaudible. In this paper, a constrained optimization problem is formulated so that speech distortion is minimized while distortion that includes residual noise and speech distortion is kept below the masking threshold of the clean speech. Experimental results show that the algorithm considered in this paper outperforms some of the more popular algorithms in terms of improvement in segmental signal-tonoise ratio (SegSNR) and spectral distance (SD).
Seokhwan Jo, Chang D. Yoo
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Seokhwan Jo, Chang D. Yoo
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