

Pull-Based Data Broadcast with Dependencies: Be Fair to Users, not to Items

14 years 26 days ago
Pull-Based Data Broadcast with Dependencies: Be Fair to Users, not to Items
Broadcasting is known to be an efficient means of disseminating data in wireless communication environments (such as Satellite, mobile phone networks,...). It has been recently observed that the average service time of broadcast systems can be considerably improved by taking into consideration existing correlations between requests. We study a pull-based data broadcast system where users request possibly overlapping sets of items; a request is served when all its requested items are downloaded. We aim at minimizing the average user perceived latency, i.e. the average flow time of the requests. We first show that any algorithm that ignores the dependencies can yield arbitrary bad performances with respect to the optimum even if it is given arbitrary extra resources. We then design a (4 + )-speed O(1 + 1/2 )-competitive algorithm for this setting that consists in 1) splitting evenly the bandwidth among each requested set and in 2) broadcasting arbitrarily the items still missing in each...
Julien Robert, Nicolas Schabanel
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CORR
Authors Julien Robert, Nicolas Schabanel
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