

QoS Control for Pipelines of Tasks Using Multiple Resources

13 years 10 months ago
QoS Control for Pipelines of Tasks Using Multiple Resources
We consider soft real-time applications organised as pipelines of tasks using resources of different type (communication, computation, storage). The applications are assumed to be periodically triggered and the different tasks communicate by unidirectional buffers. The problem we cope with is how to effectively share the resources so that some specified Quality of Service (QoS) requirements are met. The QoS considered here is tightly related to the end-to-end temporal behaviour of the application. To compensate for time-varying resource requirements, we advocate a distributed control approach whereby the scheduling parameters of each task are tuned depending on the temporal behaviour of the application measured by appropriate sensors. The use of real-time scheduling strategies enables a mathematically safe control design, in which the QoS requirements are translated into formal control goals, and formal proofs are provided on the ability of the controller to fulfil these goals. We a...
Tommaso Cucinotta, Luigi Palopoli
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TC
Authors Tommaso Cucinotta, Luigi Palopoli
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