

QR-Codes for the chronically homeless

15 years 25 days ago
QR-Codes for the chronically homeless
We propose a system to use QR codes and cheap cell phones to alleviate some challenges faced by the chronically homeless. We propose combining the affordability, simplicity and portability of cell phones with the fast emerging QR Code technology to develop an information system which could augment current data entry methods utilized by homeless service agencies. The system offers simple interfaces which employ QR Codes for configuring cell phones to perform basic functions such as setting up reminders. The system is robust to the loss of its components, individual phones and QR cards. We developed and refined our design concept through an iterative design process of contextual inquiry, persona development, prototyping, and user tests. Keywords Homelessness, QR Codes, cell phones, chronically homeless, QR Reader. ACM Classification Keywords H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous.
Meseret Gebrekristos, Ahmad Aljadaan, Kumud Bihani
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CHI
Authors Meseret Gebrekristos, Ahmad Aljadaan, Kumud Bihani
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