

Qualitative Real-Time Range Extraction for Preplanned Scene Partitioning Using Laser Beam Coding

15 years 3 months ago
Qualitative Real-Time Range Extraction for Preplanned Scene Partitioning Using Laser Beam Coding
This paper proposes a novel technique to extract range using a phase-only filter for a laser beam. The workspace is partitioned according to M meaningful preplanned range segments, each representing a relevant range segment in the scene. The phase-only filter codes the laser beam into M different diffraction patterns, corresponding to the predetermined range of each segment. Once the scene is illuminated by the coded beam, each plane in it would irradiate in a pattern corresponding to its range from the light source. Thus, range can be extracted at acquisition time. This technique has proven to be very efficient for qualitative real-time range extraction, and is mostly appropriate to handle mobile robot applications where a scene could be partitioned into a set of meaningful ranges, such as obstacle detection and docking. The hardware consists of a laser beam, a lens, a filter, and a camera, implying a simple and cost-effective technique. ? 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Didi Sazbon, Zeev Zalevsky, Ehud Rivlin
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Didi Sazbon, Zeev Zalevsky, Ehud Rivlin
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