

Quality Evaluation of Electronic Communication Fora with evalYOUate

14 years 1 months ago
Quality Evaluation of Electronic Communication Fora with evalYOUate
Communication is an essential and necessary aspect of professional work in science and business. Besides the traditional face to face communication more and more face-file-face communication is used in newsgroups, email, or communication fora. We introduce a index number system to evaluate the benefit of communication fora. We distinguish the overall quality of communication fora into five areas: information, interaction and communication, presentation, organizational and social, and technique and method. With evalYOUate, an internet-based tool to support the evaluation, we studied 29 communication fora in the German speaking countries. Results show big differences between the fora and that especially the middle range is often weak in the information level.
Marc Rittberger
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where IQ
Authors Marc Rittberger
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