

Quality Isosurface Mesh Generation Using an Extended Marching Cubes Lookup Table

14 years 3 months ago
Quality Isosurface Mesh Generation Using an Extended Marching Cubes Lookup Table
The Marching Cubes Algorithm may return degenerate, zero area isosurface triangles, and often returns isosurface triangles with small areas, edges or angles. We show how to avoid both problems using an extended Marching Cubes lookup table. As opposed to the conventional Marching Cubes lookup table, the extended lookup table differentiates scalar values equal to the isovalue from scalar values greater than the isovalue. The lookup table has 38 = 6561 entries, based on three possible labels, '-' or '=' or '+', of each cube vertex. We present an algorithm based on this lookup table which returns an isosurface close to the Marching Cubes isosurface, but without any degenerate triangles or any small areas, edges or angles.
Sundaresan Raman, Rephael Wenger
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CGF
Authors Sundaresan Raman, Rephael Wenger
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