

Quantifying the Discord: Order Discrepancies in Message Sequence Charts

14 years 6 months ago
Quantifying the Discord: Order Discrepancies in Message Sequence Charts
Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) and High-level Message Sequence Charts (HMSCs) are formalisms used to describe scenarios of message passing protocols. We propose using Allen’s logic to represent the temporal order of the messages. We introduce the concept of discord to quantify the discrepancies between the intuition and the semantics of the ordering between messages in different nodes of an HMSC. We study its algorithmic properties: we show that while the discord of a pair of messages is hard to compute in general, the problem becomes polynomial-time computable if the number of nodes of the HMSC or the number of processes is constant. Moreover, for a given HMSC, it is always computationally easy to identify a pair of messages that exhibits the worst-case discord and compute the discord of this pair.
Edith Elkind, Blaise Genest, Doron Peled, Paola Sp
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ATVA
Authors Edith Elkind, Blaise Genest, Doron Peled, Paola Spoletini
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