

Query dependent pseudo-relevance feedback based on wikipedia

14 years 9 months ago
Query dependent pseudo-relevance feedback based on wikipedia
Pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF) via query-expansion has been proven to be effective in many information retrieval (IR) tasks. In most existing work, the top-ranked documents from an initial search are assumed to be relevant and used for PRF. One problem with this approach is that one or more of the top retrieved documents may be non-relevant, which can introduce noise into the feedback process. Besides, existing methods generally do not take into account the significantly different types of queries that are often entered into an IR system. Intuitively, Wikipedia can be seen as a large, manually edited document collection which could be exploited to improve document retrieval effectiveness within PRF. It is not obvious how we might best utilize information from Wikipedia in PRF, and to date, the potential of Wikipedia for this task has been largely unexplored. In our work, we present a systematic exploration of the utilization of Wikipedia in PRF for query dependent expansion. Spec...
Yang Xu, Gareth J. F. Jones, Bin Wang
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Yang Xu, Gareth J. F. Jones, Bin Wang
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