

Query Expansion with the Minimum Relevance Judgments

14 years 7 months ago
Query Expansion with the Minimum Relevance Judgments
Query expansion techniques generally select new query terms from a set of top ranked documents. Although a user’s manual judgment of those documents would much help to select good expansion terms, it is difficult to get enough feedback from users in practical situations. In this paper we propose a query expansion technique which performs well even if a user notifies just a relevant document and a non-relevant document. In order to tackle this specific condition, we introduce two refinements to a well-known query expansion technique. One is to increase documents possibly being relevant by a transductive learning method because the more relevant documents will produce the better performance. The other is a modified term scoring scheme based on the results of the learning method and a simple function. Experimental results show that our technique outperforms some traditional methods in standard precision and recall criteria.
Masayuki Okabe, Kyoji Umemura, Seiji Yamada
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where AIRS
Authors Masayuki Okabe, Kyoji Umemura, Seiji Yamada
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