

Query Planning with Limited Source Capabilities

15 years 1 months ago
Query Planning with Limited Source Capabilities
In information-integration systems, sources may have diverse and limited query capabilities. In this paper we show that because sources have restrictions on retrieving their information, sources not mentioned in a query can contribute to the query result by providing useful bindings. In some cases we can access sources repeatedly to retrieve bindings to answer a query, and query planning thus becomes considerably more challenging. We find all the obtainable answers to a query by translating the query and source descriptions to a simple recursive Datalog program, and evaluating the program on the source relations. This program often accesses sources that are not in the query. Some of these accesses are essential, as they provide bindings that let us query sources, which we could not do otherwise. However, some of these accesses can be proven not to add anything to the query's answer. We show in which cases these off-query accesses are useless, and prove that in these cases we can ...
Chen Li, Edward Y. Chang
Added 01 Nov 2009
Updated 01 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ICDE
Authors Chen Li, Edward Y. Chang
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