

Querying Distributed Data through Distributed Ontologies: A Simple but Scalable Approach

14 years 1 months ago
Querying Distributed Data through Distributed Ontologies: A Simple but Scalable Approach
In this paper, we define a simple but scalable framework for peer-to-peer data sharing systems, in which the problem of answering queries over a network of semantically related peers is always decidable. Our approach is characterized by a simple class-based language for defining peer schemas as hierarchies of atomic classes, and mappings as inclusions of logical combinations of atomic classes. We provide an anytime and incremental method for computing all the certain answers to a query posed to a given peer such that the answers are ordered from the ones involving peers close to the queried peer to the ones involving more distant peers.
François Goasdoué, Marie-Christine R
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors François Goasdoué, Marie-Christine Rousset
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