

A Queueing Network Model of an Edge Optical Burst Switching Node

14 years 9 months ago
A Queueing Network Model of an Edge Optical Burst Switching Node
— We consider an edge optical burst switching (OBS) node with or without converters, and with no buffering. The OBS node serves a number of users, each connected to the switch over a fiber link that supports multiple wavelengths. Each wavelength is associated with a 3-state Markovian burst arrival process. The arrival process permits short and long bursts to be modeled. We model the edge OBS node as a closed non-product-form queueing network, with multiple heterogeneous classes, and we develop a suite of approximate decomposition algorithms to analyze it. Our approximate algorithms have a good accuracy, and they provide insight into the effect of various system parameters on the performance of the edge OBS node.
Lisong Xu, Harry G. Perros, George N. Rouskas
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Lisong Xu, Harry G. Perros, George N. Rouskas
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