

Random Walk Inference and Learning in A Large Scale Knowledge Base

13 years 2 months ago
Random Walk Inference and Learning in A Large Scale Knowledge Base
We consider the problem of performing learning and inference in a large scale knowledge base containing imperfect knowledge with incomplete coverage. We show that a soft inference procedure based on a combination of constrained, weighted, random walks through the knowledge base graph can be used to reliably infer new beliefs for the knowledge base. More specifically, we show that the system can learn to infer different target relations by tuning the weights associated with random walks that follow different paths through the graph, using a version of the Path Ranking Algorithm (Lao and Cohen, 2010b). We apply this approach to a knowledge base of approximately 500,000 beliefs extracted imperfectly from the web by NELL, a never-ending language learner (Carlson et al., 2010). This new system improves significantly over NELL’s earlier Horn-clause learning and inference method: it obtains nearly double the precision at rank 100, and the new learning method is also applicable to many mo...
Ni Lao, Tom M. Mitchell, William W. Cohen
Added 20 Dec 2011
Updated 20 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Ni Lao, Tom M. Mitchell, William W. Cohen
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