

Ranking-Based Optimal Resource Allocation in Peer-to-Peer Networks

14 years 6 months ago
Ranking-Based Optimal Resource Allocation in Peer-to-Peer Networks
—This paper presents a theoretic framework of optimal resource allocation and admission control for peer-topeer networks. Peer’s behavioral rankings are incorporated into the resource allocation and admission control to provide differentiated services and even to block peers with bad rankings. These peers may be free-riders or suspicious attackers. A peer improves her ranking by contributing resources to the P2P system or deteriorates her ranking by consuming services. Therefore, the ranking-based resource allocation provides necessary incentives for peers to contribute their resources to the P2P systems. We define a utility function which captures the best wish for the source peer to serve competing peers, who request services from the source peer. Although the utility function is convex, Harsanyi-type social welfare functions are devised to obtain a unique optimal resource allocation that achieves maxmin fairness. The parameters used in our model can be derived from the nature of...
Yonghe Yan, Adel El-Atawy, Ehab Al-Shaer
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Yonghe Yan, Adel El-Atawy, Ehab Al-Shaer
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