

Ranking-based processing of SQL queries

12 years 11 months ago
Ranking-based processing of SQL queries
A growing number of applications are built on top of search engines and issue complex structured queries. This paper contributes a customisable ranking-based processing of such queries, specifically SQL. Similar to how term-based statistics are exploited by term-based retrieval models, rankingaware processing of SQL queries exploits tuple-based statistics that are derived from sources or, more precisely, derived from the relations specified in the SQL query. To implement this ranking-based processing, we leverage PSQL, a probabilistic variant of SQL, to facilitate probability estimation and the generalisation of document retrieval models to be used for tuple retrieval. The result is a general-purpose framework that can interpret any SQL query and then assign a probabilistic retrieval model to rank the results of that query. The evaluation on the IMDB and Monster benchmarks proves that the PSQL-based approach is applicable to (semi-)structured and unstructured data and structured que...
Hany Azzam, Thomas Roelleke, Sirvan Yahyaei
Added 13 Dec 2011
Updated 13 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CIKM
Authors Hany Azzam, Thomas Roelleke, Sirvan Yahyaei
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