

Rapid prototyping for kinetic architecture

8 years 11 months ago
Rapid prototyping for kinetic architecture
— Architecture was perceived for many centuries as the design of static buildings that will last for extended periods of time, with static changes or additions at most. Traditional design tools reflect this approach. Kinetic architecture, however, defines a kind of architecture that incorporates dynamic properties which accommodate for environmental or utilization changes. The integration of mechanics, electronics, and computer technology into contemporary architectural design, requires a change of thinking and designing, as well as suitable design tools. To communicate design ideas, the architectural design process utilizes effective strategies such as sketching and model building. A well-established design technique in diverse disciplines is rapid prototyping. Our goal is to have an integrated environment for designing kinetic architecture, including its mechanical parts, electronic units, and software modules with a rapid prototyping approach. This paper discusses conceptual ideas...
Peter Ferschin, Monika Di Angelo, Gerhard Brunner
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where RAM
Authors Peter Ferschin, Monika Di Angelo, Gerhard Brunner
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