

Rate-distortion optimized video streaming with multiple deadlines

15 years 2 months ago
Rate-distortion optimized video streaming with multiple deadlines
We extend a recently-proposed framework for the rate-distortion optimized transmission of packetized media. The original framework assumed that media packets each have a single arrival deadline and that a packet is useless if it arrives after its deadline. In practice, however, packets may be associated with multiple deadlines. One example is the case of decoders that can recover from late packet arrivals through the accelerated retroactive decoding (ARD) of the dependency chain. We extend the original framework to consider multiple deadlines. Results of experiments in which packet transmission channels were simulated as iid delay channels with high packet loss rates and experiments in which packet transmission channels were simulated according measured Internet delay and loss traces show that the multiple deadline formulation yields rate-distortion performance improvement that increases as latency constraints grow tighter, with PSNR gains of more than 3 dB and bit-rate savings of up t...
Mark Kalman, Prashant Ramanathan, Bernd Girod
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 24 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICIP
Authors Mark Kalman, Prashant Ramanathan, Bernd Girod
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