

RAVE: A Fast Logic-Based Answer Validator

14 years 4 months ago
RAVE: A Fast Logic-Based Answer Validator
RAVE (Real-time Answer Validation Engine) is a logic-based answer validator/selector designed for real-time question answering. Instead of proving a hypothesis for each answer, RAVE uses logic only for checking if a considered passage supports a correct answer at all. In this way parsing of the answers is avoided, yielding low validation/selection times. Machine learning is used for assigning local validation scores based on logical and shallow features. The subsequent aggregation of these local scores strives to be robust to duplicated information in the support passages. To achieve this, the effect of aggregation is controlled by the lexical diversity of the support passages for a given answer. 1 Description of the Validation Task The Answer Validation Exercise (AVE) [1] introduces a test set of validation items i I comprising the question qi, answer candidate ai and supporting snippet si. Let Q = {qi : i I} be the set of all questions and Iq = {i I : qi = q} the set of validation...
Ingo Glöckner
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CLEF
Authors Ingo Glöckner
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