

Reachability analysis for continuous systems under shared control: Application to user-interface design

14 years 6 months ago
Reachability analysis for continuous systems under shared control: Application to user-interface design
— We extend techniques for a reachability-based ion to continuous systems under shared control, that is, systems which have both inputs controlled by the automation and inputs controlled by the human, to account for potential interactions between the human and the automation that affect safety. We broadly classify human input as assisting the automated input, neutral, or fighting against the automated input, resulting in three types of invariance. Using standard reachability tools to calculate invariant, user-invariant, and user-assisted-invariant sets, regions in the state-space are associated with three levels of safety: 1) safe, 2) marginally safe, and 3) recoverably safe. By partitioning the state-space according sections of the invariant sets, we create an abstraction to a discrete event system of minimal cardinality which can inform the information content of a discrete user-interface that preserves information about the safety levels of the system. We e reachable set calculat...
Nikolai Matni, Meeko Oishi
Added 21 Jul 2010
Updated 21 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CDC
Authors Nikolai Matni, Meeko Oishi
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