

On the Readability of Monotone Boolean Formulae

14 years 9 months ago
On the Readability of Monotone Boolean Formulae
Golumbic et al. [Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(2006) 1465-1477] defined the readability of a monotone Boolean function f to be the minimum integer k such that there exists an ∧ − ∨-formula equivalent to f in which each variable appears at most k times. They asked whether there exists a polynomial-time algorithm, which given a monotone Boolean function f, in CNF or DNF form, checks whether f is a read-k function, for a fixed k. In this paper, we paratially answer this question already for k = 2 by showing that it is NP-hard to decide if a given monotone formula represents a read-twice function. It follows also from our reduction that it is NP-hard to approximate the readability of a given montone Boolean function f : {0, 1}n → {0, 1} within a factor of O(n). We also give tight subinear upper bounds on the readability of a montone Boolean function given in CNF (or DNF) form, paramterized by the number of terms in the CNF and the maximum size in each term, or more generally ...
Khaled M. Elbassioni, Kazuhisa Makino, Imran Rauf
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Khaled M. Elbassioni, Kazuhisa Makino, Imran Rauf
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