

Real-Time Analog VLSI Sensors for 2-D Direction of Motion

14 years 6 months ago
Real-Time Analog VLSI Sensors for 2-D Direction of Motion
Optical ow elds are a primary source of information about the visual scene in technical and biological systems. In a step towards a system for real time scene analysis we have developed two new algorithms for the parallel computation of the direction of motion eld in 2-D. We have successfully implementedthese algorithms in analog VLSI hardware such that all processing is performed in the focal plane of the imager. We present data from 12  13 and 15  14 test arrays and show that the sensors are reliable for over one order of magnitude in velocity and down to 20 contrast. The algorithms allow for a very small pixel size
Rainer A. Deutschmann, Charles M. Higgins, Christo
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Rainer A. Deutschmann, Charles M. Higgins, Christof Koch
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