

Real-time control of individual agents for crowd simulation

13 years 3 months ago
Real-time control of individual agents for crowd simulation
This paper presents a novel approach for individual agent’s motion simulation in real-time virtual environments. In our model, we focus on addressing two problems: 1) the control model for local motions. We propose to represent a combination of psychological and geometrical rules with a social and physical forces model so that it can avoid individual agent’s local collision. 2) Global path planning algorithm with moving obstacle. We propose a more efficient algorithm by extending the indicative route method. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can be tuned to simulate different types of crowd behaviors under a variety of conditions, and can naturally exhibit emergent phenomena that have been observed in real crowds. Keywords Crowd simulation . Path planning . Virtual environments . Individual agents controlling
Yunbo Rao, Leiting Chen, Qihe Liu, Weiyao Lin, Yan
Added 16 Sep 2011
Updated 16 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where MTA
Authors Yunbo Rao, Leiting Chen, Qihe Liu, Weiyao Lin, Yanmei Li, Jun Zhou
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