

A Real-Time Java Component Model

14 years 9 months ago
A Real-Time Java Component Model
The Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) [10] is becoming a popular choice in the world of real-time programming. However, the complexities introduced by RTSJ bring the needs for an extensive framework comprising all the aspects of RTSJ development. As the first contribution of this paper, we present a real-time component model directly fitting the needs of RTSJ. Our motivation is to clearly separate real-time and business concerns of applications. We further argue that the RTSJ concerns need to be considered at early stages of architecture design in order to mitigate the complexities of the implementation phase. Therefore, as our second contribution, we propose a design process introducing gradually RTSJ concepts into the architecture. We are thus able to alleviate the development of real-time systems and to tailor them for different real-time conditions. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility of our solution on an example scenario.
Ales Plsek, Philippe Merle, Lionel Seinturier
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Ales Plsek, Philippe Merle, Lionel Seinturier
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