

Real Time Model Checking Using Timed Concurrent State Machines

14 years 2 months ago
Real Time Model Checking Using Timed Concurrent State Machines
Timed Concurrent State Machines are an application of Alur’s Timed Automata concept to coincidence-based (rather than interleaving) CSM modeling technique. TCSM support the idea of testing automata, allowing to specify time properties easier than temporal formulas. Also, calculation of a global state space in real-time domain (Region Concurrent State Machines) is defined, allowing to store a verified system in ready-to-verification form, and to multiply it by various testing automata.
Wiktor B. Daszczuk
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Wiktor B. Daszczuk
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