At iGrid 2005 we demonstrated the transparent operation of a biology experiment on a test-bed of globally distributed visualization, storage, computational, and network resources. These resources were bundled into a unified platform by utilizing dynamic lambda allocation, high bandwidth protocols for optical networks, a Distributed Virtual Computer (DVC) [N. Taesombut, A. Chien, Distributed Virtual Computer (DVC): Simplifying the development of high performance grid applications, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Grids and Advanced Networks, GAN 04, Chicago, IL, April 2004 (held in conjunction with the IEEE Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2004) Conference)], and applications running over the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment (SAGE) [L. Renambot, A. Rao, R. Singh, B. Jeong, N. Krishnaprasad, V. Vishwanath, V. Chandrasekhar, N. Schwarz, A. Spale, C. Zhang, G. Goldman, J. Leigh, A. Johnson, SAGE: The Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment, in: Proceedings of WACE 2004, 23