

Real-Time Multiple Description and Layered Encoded Video Streaming with Optimal Diverse Routing

14 years 8 months ago
Real-Time Multiple Description and Layered Encoded Video Streaming with Optimal Diverse Routing
Multiple Description (MD) and Layered Coding (LC) are two source-coding approaches proposed for adaptive and robust video streaming over lossy networks. Both streaming methods aim to improve the streaming quality by transmitting the generated multiple sub-bitstreams over partially link-disjoint paths. However, the achieved qualities heavily depend on the media characteristics, path conditions and application requirements. In order to attain the highest quality, we study optimal multi-path selection methods for both MD and LC streaming. The simulations run over an overlay infrastructure show 9.0 - 12.5 dB peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) improvement when the video is streamed over intelligently selected multiple paths instead of the shortest path or maximally link-disjoint paths. By the help of the proposed path selection methods, the end users estimate the expected qualities of MD and LC streaming for the given network conditions and application requirements prior to the streaming, w...
Ali C. Begen, Yucel Altunbasak, Özlem Ergun,
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ISCC
Authors Ali C. Begen, Yucel Altunbasak, Özlem Ergun, Mehmet A. Begen
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