

Real-Time Query Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks

14 years 6 months ago
Real-Time Query Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks
Recent years have seen the emergence of wireless sensor network systems that must support high data rate and realtime queries of physical environments. This paper proposes Real-Time Query Scheduling (RTQS), a novel approach to conflict-free transmission scheduling for real-time queries in wireless sensor networks. First, we show that there is an inherent trade-off between prioritization and throughput in conflict-free query scheduling. We then present three new real-time scheduling algorithms. The non-preemptive query scheduling algorithm achieves high throughput while introducing priority inversions. The preemptive query scheduling algorithm eliminates priority inversion at the cost of reduced throughput. The slack stealing query scheduling algorithm combines the benefits of preemptive and nonpreemptive scheduling by improving the throughput while meeting query deadlines. Furthermore, we provide schedulability analysis for each scheduling algorithm. The analysis and advantages of ...
Octav Chipara, Chenyang Lu, Gruia-Catalin Roman
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where RTSS
Authors Octav Chipara, Chenyang Lu, Gruia-Catalin Roman
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