

Real-Time Transaction Processing Using Two-Stage Validation in Broadcast Disks

14 years 7 months ago
Real-Time Transaction Processing Using Two-Stage Validation in Broadcast Disks
Conventional concurrency control protocols are inapplicable in mobile computing environments due to a number of constraints of wireless communications. In this paper, we design a protocol for processing mobile transactions. The protocol ts the environments such that no synchronization is necessary among the mobile clients. Data con icts can be detected between transactions at the server and mobile transactions by a two-stage validation mechanism. In addition to relieving the server from excessive validation workload, no to-be-restarted mobile transactions will be submitted to the server for nal validation. Such early data con ict detection can save processing and communication resources. Moreover, the protocol allows more schedules of transaction executions such that unnecessary transaction aborts can be avoided. These desirable features help mobile transactions to meet their deadlines by removing any avoidable delays due to the asymmetric property.
Kwok-Wa Lam, Victor C. S. Lee, Sang Hyuk Son
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where IPPS
Authors Kwok-Wa Lam, Victor C. S. Lee, Sang Hyuk Son
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