

Reasoning about Choice

10 years 8 months ago
Reasoning about Choice
We present a logic for reasoning about choice. Choice CTL (C-CTL) extends the well-known branching-time temporal logic CTL with choice modalities, “3” and “2”. An example C-CTL formula is 3AFhappy, asserting that there exists a choice that will lead to happiness. C-CTL is related to both STIT logics and temporal cooperation logics such as ATL, but has a much simpler and (we argue) more intuitive syntax and semantics. After presenting the logic, we investigate the properties of the language. We characterise the complexity of the C-CTL model checking problem, investigate some validities, and propose multiagent extensions to the logic.
Wiebe van der Hoek, Nicolas Troquard, Michael Wool
Added 27 Apr 2014
Updated 27 Apr 2014
Type Journal
Year 2013
Where AT
Authors Wiebe van der Hoek, Nicolas Troquard, Michael Wooldridge
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